Finding Happiness...

On » Sunday, August 9, 2009 //
sedang aku mencari2 video make up di youtube, aku tejumpela dgn seorg girl yg tgh wt promotion make up.. suare die membuatkn aku tertarik actually.. sbb makeup 2 mcm ssh je nk dpt kt mesia ni..
aku tetny2 die neh org mane.. aussie ke since loghat die mcm us ade mcm uk ade.. da abes aku tgk video 2 aku pn msuk profile owner of d video.. nk subscribe.. ps2 tejumpela die asal mane.. oh org uk.. but slang xpekat mcm uk pn? oleh sbb aku suke dgr slang die, aku nk tgkla lg video laen..
tibe2 kt profile die startla satu video psl Finding Happiness..

aku pn tgkla video ni mestila smpi abes.. ble dkt2 abes 2 die ckp die amek degree utk parents die.. jeng3.. 2 yg nk dgr 2.. die kate kite xkn happy kalo bkn buat utk diri sendiri.. so skrg mcm nk apply je ape yg die ckp neh? ngehehe..
conclusionnye we need to accept d present life n keep forward.. try 2 do d best.. pasti ade org yg sdg finding happiness tp maseh xjumpe2.. actually ie dlm diri kite as happiness is mental.. mksudnye ble kite fikir kite happy, our life will be happy.. however everyone has good n bad days.. they always changes side by side actually.. example, this week u will be happy, n maybe next week u may b not happy.. thats why we cannot laugh to0 much.. because it will make us to0 much happy n then bad things will happen, such as makin pelupe like me.. aiyo0o0o.. however if bad days come, believe urself the happiness will come after that..
by the way, if u think u r unhappy for a long time, it means that u hv done something wrong in d past, or maybe u hv been in happy or joy life in d past.. or because u dissappoint with ur life, with wut happens surround u.. so Allah wants to test us whether we can be 'consistent' in bad days as well as in d good days..
to people out there, be happy with ur life.. maybe there is something behind d scene.. during good or bad days.. for unhappy person, try to think wut u hv done in d past.. maybe u r to0 enjoy with ur life.. maybe u lied to many people especially parents or friends.. or maybe to much sins that had been done.. so Allah tarik balik happiness 2 utk memberi kesedaran.. so u need 2 changes urself.. dont to0 dissappointed with wut u get.. try to be a good person n then u will get happy life..
thank u 4 d video.. makes me wanna write again...

4 Response to "Finding Happiness..."

Ti Jah Says:

Hmm cik Tina Banana agak-agak bila anda nk upload video cara-cara pakai selendang?
hari tu sy pakai terpenyek...mcm balut nangka je...hukhukhuk

MsLieBe Says:

mls nk upload lg..
nnt fikir mase mane sesuai utk upload..
btw belila starch spray br shawl itu menjadi..

Nadrea Says:

ake ade la bace kat mane tu cakp..dont ever let your brain become idle..cuz idle brain tu..erkk ape tah..tak elok laa try laa buat something yg membolehkan otak ko berjalan setiap hari..huhu..tak laa asa bosan kan..(nasihat ini untuk aku gak)..kui3

MsLieBe Says:

btol3.. kalo otak jd idle trus bengong.. wuu..
thx 4 d advice! luv it! hee..